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Unless otherwise noted, all seminars will take place in the 6th floor conference room of Donald Bren Hall (DBH 6011). Refreshments will be served at 10:50am, and the seminar talks will run from 11:00am until noon.

For additional information, please contact CS Seminar Administrative Coordinator, Mare Stasik, at or (949) 824-7651.

Spring 2017 Schedule

April 7, 2017
Majid Sarrafzadeh
Saving Lives One Byte at a Time
Host: Nik Dutt

April 21, 2017
Wen Gao
Peking University
Multimedia Big Data based Personalized Health Management
Host: Ramesh Jain

May 5, 2017
Ashwin Machanavajjhala
Duke University
Utility-cost of provable privacy: A case study on US Census Bureau data
Host: Sharad Mehrotra

May 19, 2017
Barbara J. Grosz
Harvard University
From the Turing Test to Smart Partners: “Is Your System Smart Enough To Work With Us?
Host: Gary Olson

May 26, 2017
K. K. Ramakrishnan
University of California, Riverside
Software-Based Networks: Leveraging high-performance NFV platforms to meet future communication challenges
Host: Nalini Venkatasubramanian

June 2, 2017
Radu Marculescu
Carnegie Mellon University
Entering the Labyrinth of (Inexact) Computer Science: A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach
Host: Tony Givargis

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