2017 Computer Science Research Showcase
May 10, 2017 • 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. • Donald Bren Hall, 6011
UCI Computer Science annual Research Showcase Event is a demonstration of the research activity in the department. In this event, students will present posters and demos on their research project. It will also include presentations by the faculty in the department. Professors Ardalan Amiri Sani and Shuang Zhao serve as the event’s faculty co-founders and co-organizers.
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9:00am | Registration Donald Bren Hall 6011 |
10:00am-10:15am | Opening notes Prof. Shuang Zhao and Prof. Ardalan Amiri Sani Donald Bren Hall 6011 |
10:15am-10:45am | Keynote Prof. Gene Tsudik: “Don’t Skype & Type! Acoustic Eavesdropping in Voice-Over-IP” Donald Bren Hall 6011 |
10:45am-11:15am | Systems presentation Prof. Chen Li: “Big Social Media Data Analysis” Donald Bren Hall 6011 |
11:15am-11:45am | Computing presentation Prof. Charless Fowlkes Donald Bren Hall 6011 |
11:45am-1:30pm | Lunch Donald Bren Hall 6011 |
1:30pm-4:30pm | Posters and Demos (snacks/coffee will be served) Donald Bren Hall 4011, 4th floor hallway |
4:30pm-5:30pm | Reception and awards announcement (including live music) Donald Bren Hall 6011 |
[expand title=”Parking and Directions” tag=”H3″]
Free parking will be available in the Anteater Parking Structure. Prior to the event, you will receive an email with detailed parking and driving directions.
For full driving and travel directions, please visit the UCI Campus Maps website.
[expand title=”Research Areas” tag=”H3″]
Here are examples of the research areas that will be highlighted at the Computer Science Research Showcase:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big data
- Computer Vision
- Database
- Graphics
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Mobile systems
- Operating systems
- Privacy/Security
- Reconfigurable hardware
- Scientific computing
[expand title=”Posters and Demos” tag=”H3″]
Below is an abridged list of the posters and demos that will be featured at the Computer Science Research Showcase:
“Low-rank bilinear pooling for fine-grained classification”
Demo and Poster
Student: Shu Kong
Faculty: Charless Fowlkes
“LISA: LIghtweight Swarm Attestation”
Student: Norrathep Rattanavipanon
Faculty: Gene Tsudik
“On the nature and correction of the spurious S-wise spiral galaxy winding bias in Galaxy Zoo 1”
Student: Pedro Silva
Faculty: Dr. Wayne Hayes
“Viola: Trustworthy Sensor Notifications for Enhanced Privacy on Mobile Systems”
Demo and Poster
Student: Saeed Mirzamohammadi
Faculty: Ardalan Amiri Sani
“Understanding Sensor Notifications on Mobile Devices”
Demo and Poster
Students: Zongheng Ma
Faculty: Ardalan Amiri Sani
“Abstraction Sampling in Graphical Models”
Student: Filjor Broka
Faculty: Rina Dechter
“Towards Privacy-aware IoT Smart Spaces”
Student: Primal Pappachan
Faculty: Sharad Mehrotra
“Lightweight Isolation for Virtualized Network Functions”
Student: Junjie Shen
Faculty: Anton Burtsev, Alexander Veidenbaum
Co-Presenters: Abdullah Younis
“Towards good practice for visual question answering”
Student: Zhe Wang
Faculty: Charless Fowlkes
Co-Presenter: Xiaoyi Liu
“Big Active Data: from Petabytes to Megafolks in Milliseconds”
Student: Md Yusuf Sarwar Uddin
Faculty: Nalini Venkatasubramanian
Co-Presenters: Steven Jacobs, Yao Wu, Kevin Chittinappily Sebastian
“Social Data Analytics with AsterixDB and Cloudberry”
Demo and poster
Student: Taewoo Kim
Faculty: Chen Li, Michael J. Carey
Co-Presenters: Jianfeng Jia, Xikui Wang, Gift Sinthong, Chen Luo
“A Hybrid Mobile Farm for Testing Mobile Devices”
Student: Seyed Mohammadjavad Seyed Talebi
Faculty: Ardalan Amiri Sani
“Automated Projector Calibration and Registration for Arbitrarily-Shaped Multi-Projector Systems”
Student: Mahdi Abbaspour Tehrani
Faculty: Aditi Majumder
“Automated Polyp Detection and Localization in Screening Colonoscopy”
Demo and Poster
Student: Gregor Urban
Faculty: Pierre Baldi
“Personalized Location Models with Adaptive Mixtures”
Student: Moshe Lichman
Faculty: Padhraic Smyth
“An algebraic multigrid approach to scalable graphs for multiscale modeling”
Student: Cory Scott
Faculty: Eric Mjolsness
“From Exact to Anytime Solutions for Marginal MAP”
Student: Junkyu Lee
Faculty: Rina Dechter
“Cross-Cultural Privacy Prediction”
Student: Yao Li
Faculty: Alfred Kobsa
“FPGA-based Acceleration of Scientific Computing Applications”
Student: Hsin-Yu Ting
Faculty: Eli Bozorgzadeh
Co-Presenter: Siavash Rezaei (collaborator: Prof. Alexander Veidenbaum and Prof. Alex Nicolau)
“Anytime Anyspace AND/OR Search for Bounding the Partition Function”
Student: Qi Lou
Faculty: Alexander Ihler
“A Demonstration of TextDB: Declarative and Scalable Text Analytics on Large Data Sets”
Demo and Poster
Student: Zuozhi Wang
Faculty: Chen Li
“Stick-Breaking Variational Autoencoders”
Student: Eric Nalisnick
Faculty: Padhraic Smyth
“Brain Visualization”
Student: Nitin Agarwal
Faculty: Gopi Meenakshisundaram
“Appearance preserving data reduction for volumetric models”
Student: Yu Guo
Faculty: Shuang Zhao
“SPARTA: Runtime Task Allocation for Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Many-cores”
Student: Bryan Donyanavard
Faculty: Nikil Dutt
“Deep Multi-instance Networks with Sparse Label Assignment for Whole Mammogram Classification”
Student: Wentao Zhu
Faculty: Xiaohui Xie
“HLA class I binding prediction via convolutional neural networks”
Student: Yeeleng Scott Vang
Faculty: Xiaohui Xie
“CPU-aware decentralized UKF algorithm in cooperative multi robot systems”
Student: Ahmad Razavi
Faculty: Eli bozorgzadeh
“Adaptive Topic Follow-up on Twitter”
Demo and poster
Student: Abdulrahman Alsaudi
Faculty: Sharad Mehrotra
“The Effect of Sensory Stimuli on the Performance of Security-Critical Tasks”
Student: Tyler Kaczmarek
Faculty: Gene Tsudik
“IoITrust: Trustworthy Sensing in Untrusted IoT Environment”
Student: Mamadou H. Diallo
Faculty: Sharad Mehrotra
“Group Comfort Control”
Student: Eunjeong Shin, Roberto Yus
Faculty: Sharad Mehrotra
“Data Management in TIPPERS”
Student: Peeyush Gupta
Faculty: Sharad Mehrotra
“Testbed for IoT-based Privacy-Preserving PERvasive Spaces (TIPPERS)”
Demo and poster
Student: Primal Pappachan, Dhrubajyoti Ghosh, Peeyush Gupta, Roberto Yus
Faculty: Shard Mehrotra
Student: Christian Navasca
Faculty: Harry Xu
“LAP-UP : Lunchtime Attack Prevention Using Posture”
Student: Ercan Ozturk
Faculty: Gene Tsudik
“Computation-driven Edge Computing for Real-Time Services in Urban IoT”
Demo and poster
Student: Sabur Hassan Baidya
Faculty: Marco Levorato
“Semantic Compression for Edge-Assisted Systems”
Student: Davide Callegaro
Faculty: Marco Levorato
[expand title=”2016 Research Showcase” tag=”H3″]
2016 Research Showcase
Congratulations to last year’s winners:
Best Demo:
Mahdi Abbaspour Tehrani (Advisor: Aditi Majumder)
Title: “Auto-Registration of Multi-Projector Displays”
Best Poster:
Sabur Hassan Baidya (Advisor: Marco Levorato)
Title: “Content-based Interference Control for City Monitoring Applications”
Event Video
Check out the highlight’s video from last year’s Research Showcase: